Rapport d'activités médicales 2013
In 2013, Médecins Sans Frontières – Operational Centre Brussels (OCB) was involved in 32 missions with a medical component, comprising 78 projects. Overall, there were 1,806,530 consultationsin the outpatient department (OPD) and 127,936 admissions to the inpatient department (IPD).
Major emergency interventions included assistance to internally displaced persons, refugees and war wounded (in Syria, Mali, Mauritania and South Sudan) and assistance following the cyclone in the Philippines. Geographically, sub-Saharan Africa continued to be the main focus of intervention, but important activities were also performed in North Africa, Asia and the Middle East (figure).
Overall, there were:
- 32,569 new HIV patients initiated on antiretroviral therapy (ART)
- 214,505 confirmed malaria cases
- 34,941 with severe acute malnutrition
- 52,525 deliveries
- 14,199 new surgical cases
- 210,591 emergency department (ED) consultations
- 530,226 individuals vaccinated for measles during outbreaks