Médias sociaux

  • FR
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Maintenant, dites-nous comment pouvons-nous vous aider :

Des questions concernant une page de collecte de fonds.

  • Organize an event or a fundraise for MSF as a school, sports...


  • If the donor feels concerned with their data, received a suspicious MSF e-mail, etc...

Demander un intervenant MSF

  • Nombre minimum de participants : 50 personnes, réservation nécessaire 6 semaines à l'avance.

Events and fundraising

  • Organize an event or a fundraise for MSF as a school, sports...

Contacter les ressources humaines

  • For applications questions, please contact HR here

Change my address

Service aux donateurs

  • For this demo, this is the same page for all "Donor service" options, this will go further with the forms already available in the site... to see how a form behaves, pick "Change address" in the previous question.